Tax Problems

Income Tax Lodgement

Whether you want a fast refund or to manage your liability we can assist.  As a client of a Registered Tax Agent you will benefit from our extended lodgement program. 

We offer:

-  optimisation of your tax position.

As Registered Tax Agents, we are required to stay up to date with all tax law and developments.  Our depth of experience and financial acumen allows us to apply this knowledge to your unique situation.  We will ensure that you benefit from the maximum available deductions and tax incentives.  Likewise, we will minimise your assessable income, where possible.

- flexible approach.

We are experts at sorting through and safeguarding your financial information.  We understand that everyone's situation is unique and we adapt to your personal situation.  We will let you know of improvement opportunities that can save you time and money. 

- efficient processing of your income tax. 

We invest in the latest tax software that is fully integrated to the Australian Taxation Office. 

- experts in preparation of all tax returns types.  

Tax returns include Individuals, Trusts (including Family Trusts and Estates), Companies and Self Managed Superannuation Funds.  It is likely that we have similar clients to you.

- rental properties.

We can prepare your on-going Rental Property Schedules and recommend a quantity surveyor if you want to bring forward your building allowance tax deductions.

- share investments.

Our firm has a background in investment.  We are expert in maintaining your capital gains tax registers and trading portfolios to optimise your tax outcomes.

- research and development tax incentive.

Over ten years in research and development tax incentive claims is available.  The tax incentive for research and development is designed to provide assistance in innovative projects where the outcome is uncertain.  Depending on your business we may use an industry expert to assist in your application. 

We will work with you to deliver your best tax outcome.